Direct Booking Specials
Unlock Exclusive Savings when you Book Directly with us!
At Fireside Inn & Suites, Gilford, booking directly from our website or by phone gives you access to the best rates and exclusive offers you won’t find anywhere else. Start planning your perfect getaway in the heart of New Hampshire’s Lakes Region with exclusive discounts and direct booking benefits available only here!
Blissful Deal
Valid through March 2, 2025
- Discount Room (for 2) King or Double
- Red or White Wine set up in-room for your arrival.
- Box of chocolates with a personalized welcome card.
- Discounts with our partner establishments Gunstock & Timberland Hill
- Advance reservation is required.
- Limited slots only, subject to availability.
- Not valid on peak days.

- Maple syrup in crafted bottle $15
- Moose $17
- Flowers, small cake and balloons $30-$40 (for special occasions, subject to price change and availability